13 Mar Ulyssis Job fair (March 22 – KU Leuven)
Ulyssis Job fair
MIND is glad to participate next week to the job fair of Ulyssis (Unix Lovers Yield Student Services and Internet Support). The goal is to position MIND as as a great employment opportunity for engineers in Linux, embedded software, etc.

ULYSSIS (more info see ULYSSIS | Unix Lovers Yield Student Services and Internet Support ) is organising this year again an open source job fair. After the success of the previous years they are reaching out again to the community of students with an passion for open source, Linux en Unix.. The goal is to bring them in contact with likeminded companies such as MIND.
So, target audience is all firms who are active in the development of open-source software and open-source applications, or organisations who have a prominent FOSS/Linux-signature.
The ‘open source job fair’ is taking place on 22nd of March ’23 in the nice, impressive ‘Jubileumzaal’ of the university halls of KU Leuven (Naamsestraat 22, Leuven). This location is in the centre of the city and well known by the KUL-student community.