Igalia are the top contributors to Chromium, WebKit and Gecko, and active controbutors to many more. These graphics applications and libraries are also used very much in embedded. Web-based UIs are becoming more popular in embedded.
WPE Webkit is the embedded port of the engine behind Safari. WPE is focused on flexibility, security and performance. HW acceleration is very important, including multimedia (e.g. for use in set-top boxes). Igalia is the second committer to WebKit after Apple. They’re the lead contributor to its two Linux ports (WebKitGTK and WPEWebkit). They work a lot of GStreamer integration, in particular with DRM (Direct Rendering Manager) systems. They do maintenance of downstream forks for customers.
Chromium is an entire browser. It’s the base of many browser and also apps, e.g. CEF and Electron. The latter two are often used in embedded. Igalia is lead developer of native Wayland support in Chromium. They also worked on implementation of web standards, Javascript features, and accessibility. They ported Chromium to specific hardware platforms and maintain downstream forks for customers.
Servo is a web rendering engine not tied to any browser. It’s modular and embeddable. It’s written in Rust. It started as an R&D project in Mozilla Research in 2012, Igalia was also involved back then. It moved to Linux Foundation in 2020. Igalia took over maintenance in 2023. Servo is much smaller than Chromium or Webkit, so it’s very suitable for an embedded web view or application. It’s a good experimentation platform for advanced web features, e.g. WebXR.
Wolvic is an open source web browser for virtual reality. Started by Mozilla (Firefox Reality) but transferred to Igalia. It’s available in several app stores of VR devices. Wolvic uses Gecko but they’d like to rearchitect it to allow different backends.
Igalia also works a lot on GStreamer, Mesa3D (Igalia is in the Khronos group). the kernel (VKMS, GPU drivers), wayland, Debian (maintainers of the RISC-V port).